Saturday, May 26, 2012

3 Gifts Flat

Last fall I began reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann VosKamp. Before I had even finished reading it, the women’s group at my local church invited all of the women to a luncheon and announced that we would be reading Ann’s book throughout the year; journaling our gifts and sharing our blessings and thoughts regarding the book. Books and journals were provided to each of us. The writings from the women at church were wonderful and before long we even had our own blog to share our blessings. Each month, when the women’s newsletter came out, new stories were shared and new ways of experiencing the book and recording our blessings were presented to us. The last newsletter gave 31 different ways to look for gifts/blessings such as 3 gifts before 9 AM; 3 gifts found in difficult people, etc. One of them was 3 Gifts Flat. That one stood out as odd to me, but I realized I had experienced tremendous blessing in numerous gifts flat in the last ten days. But before I can finish this story, I need to back up… In January, my home church launched a project called Gospel Unleashed. It was phase three of a ministry whose purpose/desire was to ensure that everyone would experience the gospel both here and around the world. I am the director of the Uganda initiative for Gospel Unleashed and know that fund raising is a responsibility of my position, but it is not something I enjoy doing. I would much rather be in Uganda without any modern conveniences than fundraising from the comforts of home. As a leap of faith, I indicated in writing that I would fundraise at least $5000 for 2012. I reluctantly mailed the note because I knew it meant I had to do it. Ugh! Three days later, a woman from a weekly bible study I attend said God had been speaking to her about helping me with my efforts in Uganda. She mobilized the women of the group and they began donating. They even encouraged another organization to offering matching funds. I was sharing both stories with a friend/prayer warrior later that week and she pointed out that by sending that note, I was wading deeper into my faith with God. The obedience & efforts of the women at the bible study was God’s way of saying to me, “I already have this under control. I was just waiting for you to demonstrate a little more faith.” (Is it OK to quote God?) On the last day of the bible study, before summer vacation began, the women blessed our Uganda Initiative with enough money to purchase bibles for every student at the Light of Africa Model School in Kabasindagizi, Uganda. So, the first gift flat was a check from a group of obedient women. That one flat gift would allow me to provide 250 flat bibles. God already knows the impact those bibles will have on His kingdom, but I can only imagine. Shortly thereafter, a member of the team traveling with me said she had friends who wanted to bless the team with a gift to defer their traveling expenses. It was nearly ½ of what they still needed. Another flat check arrived. In the same meeting where she announced this blessing, another member of the team handed me a flat check from her mother to cover the cost of two sustainability projects in Uganda. This flat gift will provide a means for our partner agency in Uganda to be well on their way to self-sufficiency. Another couple offered to cover the entire cost of the marriage ministry we will be holding in Uganda in June. These flat gifts now exceed my goal by more than double. Other flat gifts have also arrived in the form of other offerings of money, a new digital camera for a missionary friend in Uganda and fabric for a quilt project to benefit a baby orphanage. An elder of my home church, after being told about the generous gifts that had been received, said to me, “Isn't it amazing when you find yourself in His will, how quickly He can get those cattle on a thousand hills to market”? From Psalm 50:10 Another item on Ann’s list was 3 Gifts Unexpected. These blessings were certainly unexpected, but I don’t know why I am surprised by them. Our God is amazing! He wants the gospel (Good News) unleashed in every corner of the world and I am blessed beyond measure to be a part of his efforts in Uganda. Thank you for your gifts of money, supplies, sacrifice, prayers and love. His daughter, Kelly J. Huenink

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