Wednesday, December 21, 2011


221. Nativity scenes of all media, paper, ceramic, wooden, metal, lighted shapes, or sculpted in one piece.
222. Christmas carols on the radio, in stores, at church, on the corner
223. CDs of Christmas music to play again and again
224. Shopping for needy children to make their Christmas and life a little sweeter
225. Baking (and eating) cookies and candy
226. Sharing Christmas goodies with friends or strangers
227. Receiving and sending cards of bleslsing and the Good News
228. A better understanding of what Mary, the teenager, went through on the first Christmas
229. Decorated trees, sparkling lights
230. Evergreens, as wreaths, swags, crosses or centerpieces and red bows
231. The brilliant star followed by many to find the the "light of the world", that today is a guiding light for all the who believe in Jesus

We're ready for Christmas, not when we have all the gifts but when we are ready for Christ - when we're ready to give all of ourselves to Christ.

Christmas Blessings to you all. Earline

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