Thursday, October 20, 2011

Stuck in Bed

I had a bout with pneumonia a few weeks ago. It was a cold and cough that I let go too long. When the doctor said she wanted to take chest x-rays, I knew I'd waited too long. I had a fever of 101. My nose was sore from blowing it and I coughed so much that my entire torso hurt. When I wasn't sleeping, the time I spent in bed gave me a lot of "God time" and time to dive deeper into One Thousand Gifts. Ann's book, for me, has reconfirmed the Everything is Eucharisteo attitude of my brothers and sisters in Uganda. I am continually amazed at their ability to see God's blessings in the midst of their difficult lives....lives so difficult it is hard to even imagine.
"The ugly can be beautiful. The dark can give birth to the light, suffering can deliver grace. God is grace. All is grace. God is always good and I am always loved. Everything is eucharisteo."
#20 Puffs Plus with lotion

Kelly Huenink

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